Saturday, 14 May 2011

Results of our poll, and ESC today's Big Poll

Here are the top ten favourite from our poll - 

1. Greece - 48 votes
2. Sweden - 41 votes
3. Ireland - 38 votes
4. Hungary - 37 votes
5. United Kingdom - 28 votes
6. Bosnia-Herz. - 26 votes
7. Finland - 24 votes
8. Estonia - 23 votes
9. Georgia - 22 votes
10. Serbia - 21 votes

And the favourites to come last are Ukraine (2 votes), Italy (6 votes), Moldova (9 votes) and Lithuania (9 votes)

And the results from the ESCtoday Big Poll have been anounced. Approximately 35,000 people voted, so here are the top 5 -

1. United Kingdom
2. France
3. Azerbaijan
4. Estonia
5. Hungary

The big poll on ESCtoday, usually predicts the correct winner from their top 5. Let's see how right they will be this year!!

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